With Technical SEO for Organic Search Results, Sure, things have evolved a great deal over the years, and the quality of content, the relevant links, and a lot of other nuances are in place. But the basics are still very similar.

A professional SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) expert should be well-versed in all the principles and aspects that contribute to the rapid ranking of websites. This not only helps you learn new working tactics but also helps you develop your own innovative strategies.

SEO intelligence involves optimising online content to enhance visibility on search engines. It employs data-driven strategies, keyword research, and analytics to improve rankings, drive organic traffic, and stay ahead in the evolving digital landscape, RasDigital ultimately maximize strategies for our clients, to achieve online presence and performance.

11 ways for content optimisation for people to get to know a business.

  1. Review the readability
  2. Keep language simple, precise, and concise
  3. Use synonyms and close variants
  4. Research and include related entities
  5. Structure your content
  6. Use headings
  7. Use formatting correctly
  8. Use a contents section and jump links
  9. Choose usefulness over word count
  10. Do your search term research
  11. Multi Channel Marketing to manouver all touch points

3 types of SEO:

On-page SEO: As the name suggests, it is all the positive SEO things you can do on your actual website pages; making use of the right keywords, writing unique content, and saving & naming images correctly.

Off-page SEO: This you can do on other relevant and authoritative websites that can enhance the credibility of your own; writing a guest blog for example.

Technical SEO: All the technical ‘Google-approved’ aspects your website must adhere to; security, stability, mobile responsive, etc.

SEO intelligence is so complex as it incorporates so many different areas of a website. The importance of SEO off-page is also important, as building links on relevant sites can drive rankings. Even loading times on a page can impact how it ranks on search engines like Google. RasDigital Technical SEO audit & Analysis is a great skill to build on as it helps a marketer figure out how many factors truly impact rankings.

Vendors differentiate by offering more frequent or detailed data updates or content marketing features that sometimes require additional investment. These more advanced capabilities may include, but are not limited to:

  • Daily or real-time site crawls.
  • Features to manage adjacent fields like PPC or social media marketing.
  • Search intent-based analysis, perhaps involving artificial intelligence or machine learning.
  • Universal search rankings incorporating featured snippets, knowledge panels, reviews, local packs, images, top stories, video, related questions, carousels, tweets and other dynamic displays.
  • Analysis and management of Google Shopping feeds.
  • Content marketing analysis and performance tools.
  • On-page content quality analysis.
  • Competitive intelligence and benchmarking.
  • Identification of technical issues that can impact rankings (e.g., broken pages, slow loading pages, content duplication, excessive redirects).
  • Cross-device attribution.
  • Keyword research/rank analysis

Keyword research – knowing what terms people use to find your website, how your pages rank for various queries and how you should use those terms in your copy – is a pillar of effective SEO.

It’s also important to note that rank analysis has grown increasingly complex as Google has upped its use of more dynamic and visual SERPs.

Marketers are no longer satisfied with a simple numeric designation of how their page ranks for a particular query; they want to know if it’s displayed in a carousel, in a knowledge panel, with sitelinks – or any of the other ways in which crawled content is being displayed on the SERPs.

Brands want a sense of how they’re coming across in search generally, even if the brand-related activity is happening on third-party sites.

Search intent-based analysis

Google’s search algorithms, often powered by artificial intelligence, are focusing less on keyword matches and more on search intent.

To counter the lack of keyword data, SEO platform vendors are developing more tools that analyse search intent and predict or recommend the most relevant content that would meet the searcher’s needs.

Custom site crawls/audits

With content quality becoming the lynchpin for many marketers’ SEO strategies, site crawls or audits are important tools offered by enterprise SEO platform vendors.

Some platforms offer optimisation recommendations for keywords, page structures and crawlability. They often prioritize and assign scores for such factors as HTML title tags, body tags and meta tags.

Many enterprise SEO platforms provide daily site crawls; some feature real-time technical data, while others offer updates on a weekly basis.

Ideally, the tool should be able to crawl the entire site, not just random pages. However, some enterprise sites are so large it’s unrealistic to expect a tool to crawl it in its entirety.

Content marketing and analysis

SEO and content marketing have become closely aligned, as Google has raised the content quality bar through artificial intelligence as well as its regular algorithm updates. As a result, relevant, up-to date content has become integral to SEO success.

Many vendors have upgraded the content optimisation and content marketing capabilities of their enterprise SEO platforms and expanded the tools’ content marketing features. These include:

  • Page management tools or APIs to monitor on-page content and errors.
  • Reports on content performance and traffic trends.
  • Influencer identification and campaign management.
  • Real-time content recommendations.

More advanced platforms perform analysis to help improve the depth and quality of content by performing topical analysis of content and comparing it against the competition to identify potentially important gaps and make recommendations for improvement.

One emerging area in which vendors are investing is the ability to automatically and proactively suggest topics that marketers should create content about – eliminating the need to spend lots of time on analysis. Some even aid in developing the type of content that will show up in queries for target keywords.

International SEO strategy search tracking

International search coverage has become a critical capability, as the global economy leads more UK based enterprises to conduct business online and offline in multiple countries and languages.

Virtually all enterprise eCommerce platforms offer some level of international search coverage that crosses borders, languages, and alphabets.

The capabilities include international keyword research, integrating global market and search volume data into the platform, as well as integrating global CPC currency data.

Mobile/local analytics

Google’s search engine updates are increasingly focused on improving the mobile/local search user experience.

While mobile-friendly sites are now table stakes in the enterprise SEO strategy game, appearance in local listings has become more important, which elevated e-commerce and digital communication among local retailers and restaurants, in part to cope with the demand curb side delivery.

Technical SEO crawling

Tools to identify technical issues that may be hindering ranking performance are very important, given that marketers rank technical SEO fixes as their number one priority. These include things like:

  • Slow page load.
  • Implementation of schema markup.
  • Identification of crawling issues.
  • The allocation of crawl budget.
  • The flagging of duplicate URL and canonical issues.

RasDigital Agency bridge the gap between managed services and SEO Intelligence with our eComerce SEO Strategy.